Warning! (Slightly) dated content ahead

The 6th edition of the PMBOK was released in Sept of 2017 (Sept 6, to be precise). Much of the content on this site dates back to that if not before however many of the concepts have remained the same (though the names may have been changed to confuse the unwary... *grin*) We will work to update key content in anticipation of the next release of the PMBOK, tentatively scheduled for 2020. That's a guess, mind you: The 2nd edition launched in 2000, 3rd edition in 2004, 4th edition in 2008, 5th edition in 2012, and 6th edition in 2017. Save for the last edition, that's every 4 years. Someone had a schedule slip in 2016. I am guessing but, being good PM's, they're likely back on track which would mean 4 years from 2016 is.... 2020.
As you probably know, the original cohort's exam focus changed back in July '13 but there was a fair amount of confusion over which areas were highlighted/upgraded versus deprecated/changed. But, as Project managers, we know Change is Good and must be properly handled. So, we've completed our impact analysis, we were about to document the change and roll it into our existing processes - sounds familiar, eh?
Expect updates to the quiz sets, we'll have to modify the Mnemonics to reflect the new processes (suggestions/hints welcome!) but most of the existing content still applies, just not as broadly as before.
For now, we invite you to keep using the existing tools but lean heavily on your PMBOK 6, especially in the new areas - and Good Luck!